Akinori Takasuka, Michio Yoneda, Yoshioki Oozeki, 2021, Density-dependent egg production in chub mackerel in the Kuroshio Current system. Fisheries Oceanography, 30, 38-50.
Hiroomi Miyamoto, Dharmamony Vijai, Hideaki Kidokoro, Kazuaki Tadokoro, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Taiki Fuji, Satoshi Suyama, 2020, Geographic variation in feeding of Pacific saury Cololabis saira in June and July in the North Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Oceanography, 29, 558-571.
Shigeho Kakehi, Hidekazu Shirai, Shinya Magome, Takamasa Takagi, Katsuaki Okabe, Kazufumi Takayanagi, Masami Hamaguchi, Hiroshi Ito, Takashi Kamiyama, 2020, Predicting the larval transport of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas during the seedling collection season. Fisheries Oceanography, 29, 484-504.
Fukutaro Karu, Toru Kobari, Taiga Honma, Takeru Kanayama, Koji Suzuki, Naoki Yoshie, Gen Kume, 2020, Trophic sources and linkages to support mesozooplankton community in the Kuroshio of the East China Sea. Fisheries Oceanography, 29, 442-456.
今回は、マサバの遊泳-呼吸実験を行った郭晨穎(GUO Chenying)さん(東京 大学)の 論文を紹介させて頂きます。
Guo C., S. Ito, N. C. Wegner, L. N. Frank, E. Dorval, K. A. Dickson and D. H. Klinger, 2020, Metabolic measurements and parameter estimations for bioenergetics modelling of Pacific Chub Mackerel Scomber japonicus. Fisheries Oceanography, 29, 215-226.
Yamamoto M., H. Omi, N. Yasue, A. Kasai, 2020, Correlation of changes in seasonal distribution and catch of red sea bream Pagrus major with winter temperature in the eastern Seto Inland Sea, Japan (1972–2010). Fisheries Oceanography, 29, 1-9.
Hino H., T. Kitagawa, T. Matsumoto, Y. Aoki, S. Kimura, 2019, Changes to vertical thermoregulatory movements of juvenile bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the northwestern Pacific Ocean with time of day, seasonal ocean vertical thermal structure, and body size. Fisheries Oceanogarphy, 28, 4, 359-371.
Sogawa S., K. Hidaka, Y. Kamimura, M. Takahashi, H. Saito, Y. Okazaki, Y. Shimizu, T. Setou, 2019, Environmental characteristics of spawning and nursery grounds of Japanese sardine and mackerels in the Kuroshio and Kuroshio Extension area. Fisheries Oceanogarphy, 28, 4, 454-467.
Nishikawa H., 2019, Relationship between recruitment of Japanese sardine (Sardinops melanostictus) and environment of larval habitat in the low‐stock period (1995–2010). Fisheries Oceanogarphy, 28, 2, 131-142.
Kaneko H., T. Okunishi, T. Seto, H. Kuroda, S. Itoh, S. Kouketsu, D. Hasegawa, 2019, Dual effects of reversed winter–spring temperatures on year‐to‐year variation in the recruitment of chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus). Fisheries Oceanogarphy, 28, 2, 212-227.
Yamaguchi T., T. Aketagawa, M. Miyamoto, N. Hirose, M. Matsuyama, 2018, The use of statolith analyses and particle‐tracking experiments to reveal the migratory route of the swordtip squid (Uroteuthis edulis) caught on the Pacific side of Japan. Fisheries Oceanogarphy, 27, 6, 517-524.
Ichii T., H. Nishikawa, K. Mahapatra, H. Okamura, H. Igarashi, M. Sakai, S. Suyama, M. Nakagami, M. Naya, N. Usui, Y. Okada, 2018, Oceanographic factors affecting interannual recruitment variability of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) in the central and western North Pacific. Fisheries Oceanography, 27, 5, 445-457.
Nakayama S., A. Takasuka, M. Ichinokawa, H. Okamura, 2018, Climate change and interspecific interactions drive species alternations between anchovy and sardine in the western North Pacific: Detection of causality by convergent cross mapping. Fisheries Oceanography, 27, 4, 312-322.
Kobari T., W. Makihara, T. Kawafuchi, K. Sato, G. Kume, 2018, Geographic variability in taxonomic composition, standing stock, and productivity of the mesozooplankton community around the Kuroshio Current in the East China Sea. Fisheries Oceanography, 27, 4, 336-350.
Kakehi S., K. Naiki, T. Kodama, T. Wagawa, H. Kuroda, S. Ito, 2018, Projections of nutrient supply to a wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) seaweed farm on the Sanriku Coast of Japan. Fisheries Oceanography, 27, 323-335.
Kodama T., T. Wagawa, S. Ohshimo, H. Morimoto, N. Iguchi, K. Fukudome, T. Goto, M. Takahashi, T. Yasuda, 2018, Improvement in recruitment of Japanese sardine with delays of the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Sea of Japan. Fisheries Oceanography, 27, 4, 289-301.
Fujioka K, H. Fukuda,S. Furukawa, Y. Tei, S. Okamoto, S. Ohshimo, 2018, Habitat use and movement patterns of small (age‐0) juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) relative to the Kuroshio, Fisheries Oceanography, 27, 3, 185-198.
Fisheries Oceanographyに掲載されました論文の和文要旨は水産海洋研究に掲載されますが、折角ですので、日本からの掲載論文について、メーリングリストで簡単なご紹介をさせて頂くことに致しました。五十嵐弘道さん(JAMSTEC)の論文を紹介させて頂きます。
Igarashi H., S. Saitoh, Y Ishikawa, M. Kamachi, N. Usui, M. Sakai, Y. Imamura, 2018, Identifying potential habitat distribution of the neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii) off the eastern coast of Japan in winter, Fisheries Oceanography, 25, 16-27.
Fisheries Oceanographyに掲載されました論文の和文要旨は水産海洋研究に掲載されますが、折角ですので、日本からの掲載論文について、メーリングリストで簡単なご紹介をさせて頂くことに致しました。石田行正さん(水産研究・教育機構)の論文を紹介させて頂きます。
Ishida Y, H. Fukuda, K. Fujioka, O. Sakai, Y. Hiraoka, K. Oshima, S. Nakatsuka, N. Suzuki, H. Shimada, 2018, Long‐term changes in recruitment of age‐0 Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) and environmental conditions around Japan, Fisheries Oceanography, 27, 1, 41-48.
Fisheries Oceanographyに掲載されました論文の和文要旨は水産海洋研究に掲載されますが、折角ですので、日本からの掲載論文について、メーリングリストで簡単なご紹介をさせて頂くことに致しました。まずは、下瀬環さん(水産研究・教育機構)の論文を紹介させて頂きます。
Shimose T., Y. Aonuma, T. Tanabe, N. Suzuki, M. Kanaiwa, 2018, Solar and lunar influences on the spawning activity of Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) in the south‐western North Pacific spawning ground Fisheries Oceanography, 27, 1, 76-84.